Monday, 4 April 2011


It felt like Christmas

The other day, unexpectedly I received two presents!! I'm sure like most people they love unexpected gifts and when they are from such lovely beautiful people it's even more special

First I got mail sent to me through the post to work... and it was from the amazing Sophie with... Stickers!! Sophie and my relationships started from way back when she was a receptionist and I was a runner, many passing by's, exchanging gossip and love for cheesy rock brought our friendship close. Then Sophie, being one to chase her dreams got her golden ticket in the form of a Canadian visa and was whisked off to fulfill her rotoprep life with some weekend snow boarding built in.
Now she is out there I miss her dearly and was having a bit of a rubbish week so she definitely knew how to cheer me up! these stickers are ust my style :)

secondly were presents personally delivered to me by my good friend Alana.
We met back in 2008 when we ended up as housemates in London and spoke of dreams of going to Japan.
luckily for Alana, a brilliant opportunity came up for her to go work in Tokyo for 6 months! which also meant I HAD to pay a visit to the beautiful city. It was one of the best times of my life out there and fell in love with the shop The LOft. Unfortuntately you can't buy anything from this shop online so if you're ever in Japan I strongly advise you to go there. It's full of the BEST stationary I have ever seen! Alana knowing me so well brought these back with her. Cute chopsticks that look like pencils, an all in one rainbow crayon pen and fun fun Japanese food style erasers!
love them all!!! Thank you sooo much guys!! you rock x


  1. presents are the best all year round :). thanks for stopping by mine
    Lydz xX

  2. Aww I got a mention - I feel honoured :) xxx

  3. I love The Loft!! If you ever visit Bangkok, there is one there too :)
